Isnin, 20 Oktober 2008
Sabtu, 11 Oktober 2008
Jumaat, 10 Oktober 2008
Isnin, 6 Oktober 2008
Rabu, 1 Oktober 2008
Isnin, 29 September 2008
Rabu, 7 Mei 2008
Mu’min perlu memulai amal dakwah dengan memperbaiki dirinya sebelum memperbaiki orang lain. Sifat-sifat yang perlu ada pada diri mu’min ialah:
1. Kuat tubuh badan
- Dakwah – amanah dan tanggungjawab besar – perlukan badan yang sihat dan kuat
- Rasulullah s.a.w menitikberatkan soal ini. Maksud hadis: Mukmin yang kuat itu lebih baik dan lebih dikasihi Allah dari mukmin yang lemah, tetapi pada keduanya ada kebaikan.
- Pesanan ustaz Hasan: Memeriksa kesihatan diri, mengamalkan riadah dan tidak makan dan minum sesuatu yang memberi mudharat pada tubuh badan.
2. Akhlak yang mantap
- Akhlak kita ialah al-Quran dan apa yang ditunjukkan oleh Nabi s.a.w.
- Dijelaskan beberapa unsur oleh ustaz Hassan dalam kewajipan da’I iaitu sensitif, tawadhu’, benar dalam perkataan dan perbuatan, tegas, menunai janji, berani, serius, menjauhi teman buruk dll.
3. Fikiran yang berpengetahun
- Perlu berpengetahuan tentang Islam dan maklumat am supaya mampu untuk disampaikan kepada orang lain.
- Perlu bersumberkan kepada al-Quran dan Hadith dan diterangkan oleh ulama yang thiqah.
- Pesan ustaz Hassan: Perlu boleh membaca dengan baik, mempunyai perpustakaan sendiri dan cuba untuk menjadi pakar dalam bidang yang diceburi.
- Mampu membaca al-Quran dengan baik, tadabbur, mempelajari seerah, kisah salafussaleh dan kaedah serta rahsia hukum yang penting.
4. Mampu berusaha
- Walaupun kaya, perlu bekerja.
- Tidak terlau mengejar jawatan dalam kerajaan/rasmi.
- Meletakkan jawatan dan tempat kerja mengikut keperluan dakwah lebih utama dari gaji dan pendapatan.
- Melakukan setiap kerja dengan betul dan sebaiknya.
- Menjauhi riba dalam semua lapangan.
- Menyimpan untuk waktu kesempitan.
- Menjauhi segala bentuk kemewahan apatah lagi pembaziran.
- Memastikan setiap sen yang dibelanja tidah jatuh ke tangan bukan Islam.
5. Aqidah yang sejahtera
- Redha dengan Allah sebagai tuhan, Islam sebagai agama dan Muhammad s.a.w sebagai nabi.
- Sentiasa muraqabah kepada Allah dan mengingati akhirat, memperbanyakkan nawafil dan zikir.
- Menjaga kebersihan hati, bertaubat, istighfar,menjauhi dosa dan syubhat.
6. Ibadah yang betul
- Perlu melakukan ibadah yang meninggikan roh dan jiwanya.
- Perlu belajar untuk memperbetulkan amalannya dan mengetahui halal dan haram.
- Tidak melampau (syadid) atau berkurang, tapi wasatiah (pertengahan).
7. Mampu melawan nafsu
- Perlu azam yang kuat untuk melawan kehendak nafsunya dan mengikut kehendak Islam.
- Tidak menghiraukan kata-kata orang dalam mengamalkan Islam.
- Da’I mungkin melalui suasana sukar yang tidak akan dapat dihadapi oleh yang tidak biasa dengan kesusahan.
8. Menjaga waktu
- Waktu lebih mahal dari emas, waktu adalah kehidupan yang tidak akan kembali semula.
- Sahabat sentiasa berdoa agar diberkati waktu yang ada pada mereka.
- “Aku adalah makhluk baru”, menjadi saksi kepada manusia.
9. Tersusan dalam urusan
- Untuk memanfaatkan waktu dengan baik, perlu penyusunan dalam segala urusan.
- Da’I perlu kepada jadual harian yang tersusun.Berdisplin dalam melaksanakan urusan dengan memberi hak-hak urusan dengan sesuai.
- Melakukan urusan mengikut keutamaan.
- Gunakan segala masa dan tenaga dengan tersusun untuk manfaat Islam dan dakwah.
10. Berguna untuk orang lain
- Da’I umpama lilin yang membakar diri untuk menyuluh orang lain.
- Da’I adalah penggerak dakwah dan Islam. Masa depan Islam, hidup mati Islam bergantung pada da’i.
- Amal Islam ialah untuk menyelamatkan orang lain dari kesesatan.
- Da’I berasa gembira bila dapat membantu orang lain. Paling indah dalam hidupnya ialah bila dapat mengajak seorang manusia ke jalan Allah.
Sabtu, 3 Mei 2008
Will Flying Cars Ever Become a Reality? Or Stay a Dream?
We have all seen movies or television adverts with people recreating flying cars, a selection of movies that point this out and the first to come to mind are back to the future and fifth element. But in all honesty will we ever see the like of these types of vehicles? They may be able to get into the development stage, but will society allow it? Or will the government allow them? As it may open a bucket load of worms for them, such as immigrants and potential terrorist flying over each country.
We have seen for along time cars trekking all along the grounds at tremendous speeds. So how would flying cars be planned out and developed over the long run? A blue print which I have read about states that authorities have one in the making, it looks more like a small private jet than a car. But is that the correct avenue to go down? If flying cars were to catch on they would have to be designed exactly like a normal looking car without the big wings or massive jets.
All this being said there could be another reality side of things, because to be honest every country has the airports to accommodate landing protocols and it would not be too hard at all to place custom regulations in the sky on the borders of each country. What I am mostly worried about though is the accidents and potential deaths that these types of vehicles may cause. As we already know there are around 20,000 major road accidents each year, with half of them ending up in life threatening positions.
If in fact there was an air collision it would not only kill the people in the air but it has the potential to kill innocent by passers on the ground.
So my decision in all honestly is that cars should strictly be kept on the ground, at least this way we will be able to control the abuse that motorists bring to themselves. Could you possibly imagine people drink driving in the sky? And then causing a pileup. With all the cars then falling to the ground, they could hit houses and buildings; it will be like one a meteorite hitting the earth every single day. So although we have the potential to create such machines the real flying should be left for the aeroplanes.
Jumaat, 2 Mei 2008
Internet Live Teaching Solutions
A decade ago, attending a major university or community college was much different. Waking up early, hauling yourself out of bed after a late night of studying (partying), getting dressed, and making it in time to an 8 AM Psych 101 class was a drag. Being an off-campus student made this even harder, because of commuting, and often, rolling over and hitting snooze or turning off the alarm altogether happened all too often, having quite an adverse affect upon those dreaded classes based upon attendance and class participation. Thankfully, the Internet and daily exponential advances in home computer and broadband technology has made the commute for some college students become a simple push of the button or stroke of the mouse.
Today, many colleges and universities are enticing prospective students with the freedom that online classrooms provide. No more waking up early, getting your notebooks, pencils, and papers together, taking time to primp and dress yourself in a way to impress your instructor or classmates, and running across the quad in a dead sprint to make your class on time. Students are now able to roll right out of bed in the clothes they slept in and enter their virtual classrooms online, not worrying about traffic gridlock, inclement weather, or a multitude of other obstacles that prevented their pre-internet predecessors from making it to class. This online option helps increase enrollment of distance learners, virtually allowing an entirely new population of students immediate ability to attend and learn while providing advanced learning institutions new opportunities for increasing all important university coffers with newly acquirable tuition monies.
Another positive for universities that can be attributed to the increase in online enrollment includes attracting new teaching staff due to flexibility of hours and negating professor commuting as well. This helps cut university costs relating to professor commuting such as parking and gas allowances. Cutting salary costs allow more monies to be focused on essential programs that might be lacking diligent financial attention.
Because of the extensive advances in live broadband broadcasting technologies, online classes have the ability to be just as interactive as those classes held on campus. With an open connection to students' webcams, students and instructors are afforded the ability to converse, theorize, and argue points in real time and "virtually" face to face allowing for interchange of ideas across zip codes and time zones with no interruption whatsoever. Large Internet Broadcasting System providers like Whiteblox and others work diligently to ensure that colleges and universities have the tools they need to utilize these new and ever-changing technologies as they become available.
Khamis, 1 Mei 2008
Self-Directed Learning and the Internet - No Limits to What You Can Achieve
Have you ever wondered what the world will look like after 20 more years of having free access to personally targeted education in the comfort of your home?
More than 500 years ago, Johannes Gutenberg invented a machine that marked a turning point in history. The printing press provided access to books that had never been available before and sparked a new era in the history of humankind: the Renaissance.
We probably cannot fathom yet what will happen with the invention of the personalized computer. Most of us have not realized the implication of having to our free disposal a tool in which you can type a word in a box and get immediate, relevant and up-to-date information about any subject under the sun. It's called the World Wide Web.
Just think about it: How effective can education become when you have the exact relevant information you are looking for literally at the tips of your fingers? The Internet has made it possible.
Nowadays we are able to access in a few seconds any specific information we are looking for, therefore we can digest it much better, apply it immediately and learn much faster.
Opposed to traditional education, self-directed learning with the Internet allows for each individual to navigate his or her own path.
This fact alone is mind-boggling. I am not knocking traditional education, which has the benefit of providing a structure and a well rounded education, but I do want to point out its limitations.
The flip side about structured education is that it does not provide the huge variety of options that can be accessed through the Internet. And the fact remains that we all are different. And different people need different options.
I think all of us can remember at least one or two immensely boring subjects we were forced to learn at school. Most of you would probably agree that you hardly remember what you learned in them. But imagine what would have happened had you invested that time in learning a subject you had tons of interest in with self-directed learning!
The truth is, if you love what you do and have the freedom to develop your unique God-given talents and gifts, you can be great at anything.
And maybe the world would be much more productive if it were a world of people that were incredibly good at their craft instead of one where people are well rounded and don't do their jobs as well.
The world with the Internet is still a fairly new concept, but I think the change in the way many of us will educate our children and ourselves is going to be enormous.